Otherwise the default is INDEX. Add "noindex" in robots.txt. In the newly released version of Google Search Console, your site might have one or more results for this Error: Status > Index coverage > Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’. # # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of # features. I am sure I know the file that displays "noindex, follow" but after much "tweaking" I can't seem to remove the code.
I think you should at least have this one: Disallow: /wp-admin/ #
This plugin, by default, shows "noindex,follow" on every page.
Use the robots.txt file and add the directives there to disallow everything under /campaign/, as suggested by Kristian Svensson. Today we will be talking about one of the biggest SEO mistakes a website owner (or web developer) can make: noindex. POST UPDATED: FEBRUARY 5, 2019.
I am using WordPress SEO plugin written by Yoast. The noindex directive is an often used value in a meta tag that can be added to the HTML source code of a webpage to suggest to search engines (most notably Google) to not include that particular page in its list of search results. Just the mention of it can send shivers down a developer’s spine. Ideally, don't include noindexed URLs in your sitemap (some sitemap generators will exclude noindexed URLs automatically). By default, a webpage is set to “index.” VALUE1 and VALUE2 are set to index, follow by default, meaning the page at hand can be indexed and all links on that page can be followed by search engine spiders to index the pages they link to. "Submitted URL marked noindex" is just an advisory message. The NOINDEX is added to the system that adds the sitemap.html page, nothing to do with the robots.txt file.
The default setting of the post – in this case, Yes – is the setting you’ve selected for this post type in the Search Appearance tab of Yoast SEO. Fixes a bug where the Yoast Metabox wouldn’t be shown for posts set to noindex, therefore making it impossible to change it back to index, view Readability scores and not being able to optimize a post, before allowing it to be indexed. noindex or noindex,follow Feb 01, 2012 - Posted by Peter Johnson in Intermediate & Advanced SEO , On-Page / Site Optimization , and Technical SEO Issues | 3 Responses | 32102 Views You can noindex these by default. I strongly suggest that you restore the default robots.txt content. Add "noindex" to specific categories in functions.php. If you're happy that the URL is (and should be) noindexed, it doesn't matter if Google reports it as such. If you want to prevent complete sections of your site from showing up in Google, you can set that there. 29/08/2018 Update: Please see the update notes from the end of the post. This could include posts by users who haven’t been in the forum before, threads that don’t have any answers and threads that don’t have any authoritative answers.
However, if you specify VTOC(END), the default index … When the INDEX parameter is defaulted, the index is generated starting at the track following the end of the VTOC. This isn’t necessarily an error, although if a site is … Alexis Wilke (@alexiswilke) 2 years, 3 months ago.
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