The demo will follow the android Connor through the opening scene of the main Detroit: Become Human game, which we’ve previously seen at press … Share Tweet Share Share Email Comments After our announcement at Paris Games Week last summer, we are very excited to be at E3 to show you more about our next title Detroit: Become Human! Detroit: Become Human zadebiutowało w maju 2018 roku jako tytuł ekskluzywny na PlayStation 4, a po zmianach polityki studia z początku bieżącego roku, już jutro trafi na PC.
Quantic Dream e Sony hanno recentemente annunciato che l’atteso Detroit: Become Human è ufficialmente entrato in fase Gold e che nel corso della giornata di domani verrà rilasciata una demo.
The Detroit: Become Human PC version launches tomorrow, and will also feature a free demo for the entire first chapter of the game. Di seguito alcune delle dichiarazioni fatte dal co-CEO e executive producer di Quantic Dream Guillaume de Foundamière sul PlayStation.Blog*: ”*David Cage, l’intero team e io […] Today, we debuted a new trailer based on in-game footage, and we wanted to tell you a little bit more about […]
Detroit: Become Human zadebiutuje na rynku już 12 grudnia tego roku i będzie dostępne na PC wyłącznie w sklepie Epic Games Store.Doceniona przez krytyków i społeczność graczy produkcja z konsoli PlayStation 4 ma oferować wszystkie usprawnienia wymagane przez użytkowników komputerów, w tym dostosowane do ich potrzeb sterowanie, czy niezły zestaw ustawień graficznych. Share Tweet Share Share Email Comments After our announcement at Paris Games Week last summer, we are very excited to be at E3 to show you more about our next title Detroit: Become Human! Detroit: Become Human - recenzja - bardziej ludzki niż człowiek . Today, we debuted a new trailer based on in-game footage, and we wanted to tell you a … Detroit: Become Human is available for pre-purchase on the Epic Games Store, where it will be exclusive for for a year. Detroit: Become Human game details. The unique prototype android Connor serves the Detroit police department, and you join him at the beginning of a dramatic stand-off with a fugitive. Quantic Dream also confirmed that a demo … Detroit: Become Human, at one point a PS4 exclusive, will run on PCs that have at least a GeForce GTX 660 alongside at least a Core i5-2400. Set in the year 2038, technology has evolved to the point where human-like androids exist and are everywhere. Disponibile la primissima scena del gioco, quella dell’ostaggio.
Detroit: Become Human, the latest game from Quantic Dream which launched back in May of 2018, is finally on the verge of coming to PC.The game was originally a PS4 exclusive, but was announced as coming to the Epic Games Store earlier this year.
Get a glimpse of the android revolution of tomorrow in this action-packed demo for Detroit: Become Human. Unless you managed to activate the v1 demo before (on the same day this thread was posted), you'll have no other way of playing the game at the moment. Play as three distinct androids in this dystopic future. You choose what happens.
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