tuitionの英語例文。give [have] private tuition in Italian イタリア語の個人教授をする[受ける] A Confucian-based education was also made available at commandery-level schools and private schools opened in small towns, where teachers earn... - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞 …
• King, a divorcee, had to struggle to make tuition payments when her children were in private schools. もっと見る コーパスの例 tuition • Tuition is $2,800 per year. 教える人、先生を意味するteacherとinstructorの違いを取り上げてみます。英語では2つに意味の違いはなく、言葉のイメージ、組み合わせから伝統的・習慣的に使われるパターンが多いです。またこのページでは「tutor」の意味と使い方についても取り上げてみます。 ふつう個人または小集団の場合についていうgive [have] private tuition in Italian|イタリア語の個人教授をす … Also, the non-refund of any part of a tuition payment made in advance in case of termination of enrollment at a private English school or for other classes or the non-refund of tuition by a private university when an enrollee declines admission before entering, the amount of such payments which exceed the average amount of damages would be found invalid under the Consumer Contract Act2. プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第4版) - /tjuín | tju-/[名][U]1 ((米))授業料(tuition fee).2 教授, 教育. • After-hours individual tuition in a one-to-one personal interface situation. 1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - tuition とは【意味】教授,授業... 【例文】have private tuition in French... 「tuition」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書 • Nina's parents paid for extra tuition to help her with her maths. tuition 意味, 定義, tuition は何か: 1. teaching, especially when given to a small group or one person, such as in a college or….
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イタリア ワイン 2017 出来,