If user try to login, he or she will get the following message: I surely do not want to kill systemd! Well known, this happens with "userdel". I then read your posts and after 2 minutes I tried again the same command as before: First, lock user account, enter: # passwd -l vivek. So, All process owned by root will be owned by root equivalent user, as they have same UID. (The menu-cached process is used by the LXDE desktop environment.
It also forces userdel to remove the user's home directory and mail spool, even if another user uses the same home directory or if the mail spool is not owned by the specified user.
Your pi user is logged in, on tty1; you should log the user out before deleting it. What to do?
OR set the date on which the user account will be disabled (syntax is usermod --expiredate YYYY-MM-DD userNameHere ): # usermod --expiredate 1 vivek. Personally, I would rather just delete the user altogether and create my own user. So here’s how I deleted the Pi user on Raspberry Pi. This time with some process ID that currently seamed to be used by "username2delete". But: sudo userdel baduser userdel: user baduser is currently used by process 2961 Well, as wise people say, kill process 2961. The options which apply to the userdel command are: -f, --force This option forces the removal of the user account, even if the user is still logged in.
Make sure that you backup any important data from your Pi user that you might need. The userdel command modifies the system account files, deleting all entries that refer to the user name LOGIN.The named user must exist. If you don't have access to the GUI to log the user out (i.e., you're accessing the Raspberry Pi remotely), the safest bet is probably to stop the desktop manager: Or... userdel -f will force the removal of the account even if the user is still logged in. # id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) # userdel userdel: user user01 is currently used by process 1 All the processes are owned by user IDs and not user-names. But this process is "systemd"!!!
userdel -r cafe_fixer I get the following message: user cafe_fixer is currently used by process 15945 I am not using this user for anything I just created it and now wish to delete it. One of the first things you should do when setting up the Raspberry Pi is to change the default password for the pi user. I want to remove a user.
First use pkill or kill -9
There are probably other processes running for user pi.). I checked which users are logged in and there was only one user logged in "user2stay". This should show you which process the user has open, then kill the process. Any help appreciated.
The following is recommend procedure to delete a user from the Linux server.
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